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Training and Workshops

Get training and upskill for volunteering roles and to benefit your future career.

This page contains information on training available to all students at Strathclyde. The current training opportunities can be viewed in the table at the bottom of this page. There are specific training options detailed below for those who are members of a society, sports club or other student group.

Society Training

These are the three types of training available to society members:

  1. Committee training

    Committee training is compulsory for 2 committee members to complete. It is highly recommended for all committee members, and needs to be completed by any member before they can use society resources (e.g. make room bookings). Sessions can be booked below (scroll to the training table) when sessions are released. Alternatively, please contact us if your society would like a group training session.

  2. Finance training

    Finance training is compulsory for all society treasurers. It is highly recommended for all committee members, and needs to be completed by any member before they can use the society finance system (e.g. to submit a receipt for reimbursement or an invoice for payment).

    Complete training

  3. Grant training

    Grant training is recommend for all society treasurers. It is highly recommended for all committee members, and needs to be completed by any member before they can use the society grant system to make a grant request.

    Complete training

Other Training

Card machine training 

The card machine training process has been updated as of November 2023 and is the same for societies and sports clubs. The training consists of a video on how to use the machine.

Watch video

After watching the training video, please fill out the request form below to request to use the machine. There are essential questions on PCI compliance which must be read and answered.

Zettle charge 1.75% of the total of each transaction for card/mobile wallet payments. If using a Zettle card machine, then this fee will be deducted from the total that is transferred to your society’s savings account. For example, if a society raises £107 at a bake sale, Zettle charges £1.91 so £105.09 would be transferred to your society’s savings.

The card machine can only be booked out on weekdays, for on-campus use. Please submit your request with at least one week's notice. This form is only a request, not a confirmation of your booking, so please wait for an email for confirmation.

Request a card machine

Unconscious Bias

We offer an online module on Unconscious Bias, which you can complete at any time.

View training module

Tackling Gender-Based Violence

This course can be accessed via MyPlace to develop your understanding of gender-based violence and what you can do to combat it.

Access course

Mental Health and Suicide Awareness

This course can be accessed via MyPlace to develop your understanding of what mental health is and how to positively influence your own and others mental health.

Access course

Group training

We can offer various types of group training (both in-person and online) for your society, sports club, class or student group upon request - we're more than happy to schedule in training just for you! Just pop us an email. We offer group training on the topics below:

  • Society Committee Training
  • Society Finance Training
  • Basic Safeguarding Training
  • SplitBanana Consent Workshops

Contact us

Current Opportunities

02 Apr 2025
TitleProviderDescriptionDate / timeDurationLocationSign up by 
Societies Committee Training Strath UnionOur general committee training session for all Societies covers EVERYTHING you need to know to run your Society!Wed 02 Apr 16:001 hrLevel 8 Board Room15:59 on 02 Apr Please log in to book your place.