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A person rowing a boatDescription automatically generatedRonan Welch

Sports Engineering, 4th Year, Commitee Member Strathclyde University Boat Club, Awards Officer and Club Sport Officer for the Sports Union Executive Commitee



A group of people posing for a photoDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceAlthough I am in my 4th year on my current course it is actually my 6th year at Strathclyde after changing course at the end of my 2nd year from Chemical Engineering to Sports Engineering.

I volunteered as a committee member on the Strathclyde University Boat Club for 5 years doing a number of roles (Novice Rep, Social Secretary, Novice Men's Coach, Club Captain, and Equipment Officer), on top of this I have also been on the Sports Union Executive Committee for the last two years as Awards Officer and Club Sport Officer. 

I have always felt the need to volunteer and help out where I can, during my time in university the Rowing club has been a massive highlight, even at times student sport being my primary reason for staying on in uni… By stepping up and taking on committee responsibilities I hope to be able to give that same amazing experience of the sport to the next    generation of students coming through!



A couple of men on a boatDescription automatically generated with low confidenceMy experience of volunteering within the Sports Union has been incredible, it has opened so many doors for me and taken me places I never could have imagined when I first started at the University of Strathclyde! It has developed my communication, organisational, and leadership skills massively to name but a few - as well as allowing me to achieve my sporting potential when I was selected to represent Scotland at the Home international Regatta, something I had never even dreamed of being a possibility let alone a reality!


Volunteering within rowing has also supported me in a fledgling coaching career, to the point where I now have a job as a performance rowing coach, as well as unlocking opportunities to work with the Scotland Junior Rowing Team. None of this would be possible without the support offered by both SUBC and the Sports Union! Likewise as part of the Sports Union Executive Committee I have gained valuable management experience which has allowed me to access a number of amazing opportunities such as the Scottish Student Sport (SSS) Leadership Programme, which I am currently a member of.


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I am always the first to have my hand up for any opportunity available and I would recommend anybody starting out at Strathclyde to do the same if they want to make the most of their time here!











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