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FAQs for Staff

All that staff need to know about supporting the student voice through the Strath Rep programme.

What is StrathReps?

StrathReps is an exciting joint venture between the Union and the University to create consistent and interactive ways of conducting the nomination, voting and election of Student Reps.

Previously, elections occurred offline and processes varied by department. Rep elections will take place online via Strathclyde Mobile App for most courses.

Staff Frequently Asked Questions

What is changing?

  • Class Reps are now Programme Reps. They will represent students on the year of their programme, not specific classes/modules.
  • Nominations and elections will take place at the end of September this year. Students register themselves as a candidate and the system automatically runs the elections.

Do I need to register reps?

The StrathReps project has minimized the amount administrative tasks staff need to complete to register reps. In most cases, a student will nominate themselves through the Strathclyde Mobile App. Depending on the number of candidates there will then be an election in the app the following week, or they will be automatically appointed as the Programme Rep. This means that reps are automatically registered as being the Programme Rep for their course, and staff need to take no further actions.

How do I find out who the reps are in my department?

After nominations and elections in late-September, you will be given access to a Pegasus webpage that will display the details of the Programme Reps in your department.

My department is not participating in elections via the app- how do I register reps?

If your department is not running virtual elections, please contact to register the reps. It is important that this is done to ensure reps have access to training and support.

What about Postgraduate reps, are they elected through the app as well?

Currently postgraduate reps are not elected through the app and will be registered via administrative staff as done so in previous years.

I usually run SSLCs before the proposed election dates, what will I do?

SSLCs could be delayed until after elections, or alternatively the invite opened out to all students interested in the rep role to maintain the dialogue with students.

Does my department have to have reps?

It is mandated that each programme has student representatives.

How do I find out more?

You can contact the Union's Representation on the usual email address to make sure you are made aware of any planned sessions.

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