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StrathReps are students who link the student body, the University and the Students’ Union. Reps work in partnership with staff to make positive changes at programme, department, faculty and university level.

Who are your reps?

Programme Reps

Programme Reps are volunteers elected by their class who act as a liaison between students and academic staff members. These reps attend 1 or 2 Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) per semester and are tasked with working alongside staff improvingg student experience.

View Programme Reps

Faculty Reps

Undergraduate, Postgraduate-Taught, and Postgraduate-Research Faculty Reps represent the views of the students on numerous committees at Faculty level and work closely with their Vice Dean Academic to express the student voice and enhance the student experience.

View Faculty Reps

Post-Graduate Research Reps

PGR Reps are current PhD students who represent students within their Department and play a crucial role in shaping the PGR student experience. PGR Reps put forward students’ views and opinions on matters relating to research, supervision, and facilities in the research environment. They help to create solutions and act as a communication channel between staff members and PhD students.

View PGR Reps

Vice President Education

Your VP Education, one of the elected full-time officers, deals with all matters relating to the learning and teaching experience of all students. If you have any ideas for a change or a campaign that could be successful in improving the academic experience of students for the next academic year, get in touch!

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