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Strathclyde student officers smiling at the camera

Your Officers

The Student Exec are elected by Strathclyde students annually. Any student can stand for election to be on the Student Exec and every student has the opportunity to vote for who they believe will best represent them.

What are officers?

Student Officers, commonly known as Student Exec, are elected by Strathclyde students annually. The Exec is made up of 6 roles filled by current students from across the University community, who take a year out of studying to work in their role full-time. Their role includes, but is not limited to, representing students in the local community and at all levels of decision-making within the University. The Officers lead Strath Union's political direction, run campaigns on behalf of students while holding the University to account on decisions affecting students.

The Student Exec are also Trustees of the Strath Union, working with external experts to ensure the health of finances, governance and strategy at Strath Union. Any student can stand for election to be on the Student Exec and every single student has the opportunity to vote for who they believe will best represent them.

Your Officers 2024/25

Eva Curran

Eva Curran


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Jamie Campbell

Jamie Campbell

VP Community

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Charlie Wilson

Charlie Wilson

VP Education

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Ramisha Mujahid

Ramisha Mujahid

VP Inclusion

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Anna Edvaldsson

Anna Edvaldsson

VP Sport

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