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Strathclyde students campaigning, holing Strath Union flag.

Start a Campaign

The first step to starting a good campaign is research! We've collected some useful resources to get you started.

Resources for starting your campaign

Running Anti-Racist Campaigns

An Introduction to Running Anti-Racist Campaigns 

Make Change Happen

This is an eight week FREE course to help to strengthen the skills you need to work with others to tackle injustice.

Future Learn: Make Change Happen

Decolonise the Curriculum

NUS have launched their Decolonise Education Mixed-Media Library, full of resources to deepen your knowledge and to get involved in decolonise education movements locally and nationally.

NUS Decolonise Education Mixed-Media Libary

Strath Union is commited to Decolonising the Curriculum. For some background on what this is, here are some resources from across the sector.

Information gathered by Keele Students' Union Information on campaigning, including a toolkit, from SOAS Report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission on Racial Harrassment in Higher Eduation

Campaigns Toolkit

This is your one-stop-shop for getting started on campaigns - please note that this document is being updated.

 Strath Union's Campaign Toolkit

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