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VP Welfare with a group of students discussing the campaign.

Housing Campaigns

Campaigning for better student housing is a key area of focus for Strath Union.

No Homeless Students Campaign #NHSC

In the previous academic year 2022/2023, high numbers of students faced housing issues. This led to lots of students couch surfing with friends, being unable to pay high rents, being unfairly evited and having a tough time studying, impacting their mental health negatively.

This student led campaign has been set up to advocate for every Strathclyde student’s right to suitable, affordable and comfortable accommodation.

What are we asking for:

  1. Housing challenges are considered a legitimate personal circumstance, and adequate support is put in place for students experiencing them. Personal circumstances are defined by the University as ‘circumstances beyond a student’s control which may adversely affect their ability to study or their performance in assessment’.
  2. A joint housing policy is created between the Union and University addressing the different housing issues students face and working to improve them.
  3. The University develops a guarantor scheme for students who do not have one and supports these students in finding housing.

This campaign is also about preventing Homelessness; you’ll be able to find up-to-date information that empower students on their tenancy rights and links to all the support the Union can provide in regards to housing here.

How can I get involved?

  • By helping to spread the word - no Strathclyde student should be homeless and there is support available if you are experiencing this.
  • If you have faced housing issues (including homelessness) in the past we want to hear your stories to build this campaign and help prevent others from going through the same thing. You can anonymously share your experience using this survey
  • Join the Housing Action group made up of passionate students who want to make change in this regard. This would not be another form of extra workload; it would be a teams chat to be informed about the campaign developments and updates on actions the group would be taking. Interested? Send an email to register your interest and become a campaigner for change!
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