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Sexual Health Survey 2023

Sexual Health Survey

Discover more about the 2023 Sexual Health Survey.

What is this campaign?

In 2020, Strath students were asked to share their understanding of sexual health. From the 600 responses, we learned a lot from the student body about your knowledge of sexual health and consenting relationships.

We learnt that 66% of students did not receive sex and relationship education that prepared them for healthy adult relationships, and only 50% of students were given comprehensive understandings of consent.

In the early days of the pandemic, 60% of students had never been tested for STIs/STDs, and many told us about long waiting lists and negative experiences with medical professionals as barriers to getting tested.

How do I get involved?

With students returning to campus full-time this academic year, we wanted to ask students once again about their experiences and understanding of sexual health, so we can work to improving provisions on and off campus. We are conducting this survey for all students at Strathclyde to share their experiences, which will be completely anonymous, and will only take 10 minutes to complete.

This survey has now closed and we are processing the results. Thank you to those who completed the survey.

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