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Exec 2024-25 sitting outside chatting

Student Voice

We exist to represent all students at  the University of Strathclyde. We make sure your voice is heard across the University and beyond.

We’re here to support you to make change on campus, in Glasgow and further afield.

There are several ways to get involved and make positive change while you’re a student. Whether you take part in elections, become a StrathRep, campaign for a cause, attend student parliament or join an action group find out how you can make a difference.

Strathclyde Students' Union Student Members' Meeting
27th March
Level 8 Open Space (L&T Building)/Online,
Meet your elected officers, find out about Union campaigns, and discuss what the Union should be working on.

Get in touch

Please find the general emails if you have an enquiry or question for the Voice team including but not limited to StrathReps, Campaigning or Student Parliament.