Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity.
Our aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. We provide support and information to people with dementia, their carers and families, we campaign for the rights of people with dementia and fund vital dementia research. There are many different ways you can get involved to support our work.
Can you spare just 2 minutes a week to help Alzheimer Scotland?

Alzheimer Scotland have been working on an exciting partnership with Red Dog ads. Red Dog ads work with companies who want their advertising campaigns to be seen by the public. With ad filters and on demand tv viewing, it’s getting harder for companies to reach consumers.
Red Dog saw an opportunity to give something back to charities by getting people to sign up to their platform , agree to watch just two minutes of advertising per week and be paid for their time. That money is then donated to a charity of their choice. The advertisers are keen to get involved as they can guarantee their ads will be seen.
For charities like Alzheimer Scotland we are hoping this will be an easy way for our supporters to continue to help people living with dementia. We know that this may be a worrying time for many of our supporters and this is a way for us to ask for support without asking directly for money. I
If you would like to sign up you can find out more by visiting
Right now, too many people with advanced dementia are not getting the health care support they need. It is time to make Fair Dementia Care in Scotland a reality.
The Fair Dementia Care Commission, established by Alzheimer Scotland, published the 'Delivering Fair Dementia Care For People With Advanced Dementia' report.
The report sets out a firm definition for advanced dementia for the first time. It also identifies the inequality people living with advanced dementia face in terms of access to health care. Through the report the Fair Dementia Care Commission calls for a number of reforms, including equal access to free healthcare for people living with advanced dementia.
You can find out more, access the report and sign up to our campaign here.

Join Dementia Research (JDR) is a nationwide online and telephone service that makes it easier for people to register their interest in volunteering for dementia research studies.
Anyone, with or without dementia, can register as a volunteer by visiting the JDR website.
For more information, download our Join Dementia Research Leaflet.
Signing up is the first step in becoming involved in supporting vital research studies across the nation.

Let’s start 2021 as we mean to go on; looking after ourselves while supporting people with dementia! Whether you are taking up a new hobby, giving something up or stepping up and setting a new challenge, this is the year to do it!
We’re asking you to set yourself a personal goal for January or February. Challenge yourself and change dementia in 3 easy steps:
1. Register your challenge with us
2. Set up your Just Giving page
3. Join our Facebook Community
find out more and sign up
You are eligible to log your volunteering hours with Alzheimer Scotland on, receive Union volunteering rewards and hours certificates. If you do log your volunteering hours, we will also be able to provide you with a signed Volunteering Achievement Record when you graduate.
Learn more about logging your hours.