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Our Code of Conduct sets out our expectations of all who participate within Strath Union.

Strathclyde Students’ Union Code of Conduct

It is expected that all representatives of Strath Union – i.e. student participants, volunteers, Trustees, Executive and non-Executive Officers, student and non-student staff members – adhere to the Code of Conduct, both online and offline, to ensure mutual respect and safety at all times whilst acting under the auspices of Strath Union or attending Union events, activities, or premises. 

All Strath Union representatives are encouraged to raise any concerns about the conduct of others or the way in which Strath Union business is run to ensure it is operating in a legal and responsible manner. All reports will be kept confidentially and held in the strictest confidence.

Representatives shall:

  1. Be aware of, abide by and champion the Equal Opportunities Policy.
  2. Be an ambassador for the Union when acting in an official capacity (i.e. whilst carrying out duties in their role as an employee, elected Officer or volunteer, or Trustee) and always portray a positive image of the services and activities on offer when acting in that role.
  3. Have respect for other's privacy, space, and possessions.
  4. Assist in creating an environment which encourages individuals to participate if they choose to do so.
  5. Create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment of any type of abuse whether it be emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, or bullying and regardless of the platform, be it in person, via social media, phone, other online platform, or other.
  6. Have a personal responsibility to be fair, honest, considerate to others, and to treat each other with courtesy and respect.
  7. Ensure personal or professional differences are dealt with in an appropriate manner that takes into account the impact of others in the area.
  8. Be mindful of language and noise levels to discourage disruption or offence to others.
  9. Ensure status or position is not used to attain benefits or preferential treatments.
  10. Ensure no alcohol is consumed during standard working hours within any office area.
  11. Maintain a professional outlook when carrying out duties on behalf of the Strath Union and accept responsibility for those actions.

Alleged breaches of conduct by an employee of Strath Union (student and non-student staff) or Trustee:

Should an issue regarding a breach of the Code of Conduct by a member of staff need to be raised, the matter should, in the first instance, be raised with the Chief Executive Officer, Manish Joshi. Should the complaint be against the Chief Executive Officer, the matter should be raised with the President.

Alleged breaches of conduct by an elected member (including Executive Officers and non-Executive Officers):

Should a complaint of breach of the Code of Conduct by a volunteer and/or elected member need to be made, the matter should, in the first instance, be raised with any member of Strath Union staff. This should then be escalated at the first opportunity with their line manager or another relevant Head of Department.

Alleged breaches of conduct by any other Strath Union representative (including student members and volunteers):

Should a complaint of breach of the Code of Conduct by any other Strath Union representative need to be made, the matter should, in the first instance, be raised with any member of Strath Union staff. This should then be escalated at the first opportunity with their line manager or another relevant Head of Department.

Handling of alleged breaches of conduct

Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct will be handled through referral to the Union’s Complaints Procedure.

Complaints Procedure

Strath Union Statement on Racism

As your Students’ Union we stand firmly and completely against racism and any forms of intolerance and discrimination. We are committed to creating an inclusive culture for all staff and students where everyone feels safe and welcome.? We will not tolerate any form of discrimination. We aim to foster an environment where diversity is celebrated within the University and racial, ethnic, and cultural differences are treated with respect, dignity, and sensitivity. Promoting anti-racism on campuses is not an easy endeavour — it involves continued inquiry, assessment, and action. It also involves looking holistically at the systems, structures, and practices that prevent students of colour from thriving and feeling comfortable.

Our Planned Actions Against Racism:

  • Lead from the top - Students need to be aware of what the University and the Union will do if misconduct is reported. This includes who'll investigate it, how they'll do this and what support and protection your institution will provide. The Union plan to lead from the top by highlighting inappropriate behaviour and ensuring an anti-racism message is echoed throughout the Union including through all communication channels i.e., email, social media, and website.

  • Provide visible, accessible reporting - Implementing anonymous reporting is a great way to give the power back to the victim-survivor and inspire confidence in students to come forward. With a visible, accessible reporting structure in place, students will know where to go when something happens. 

  • Mandatory race-awareness training for Union staff.

  • A task force reviewing how to handle complaints of racist and other discriminatory behaviour.

  • Educate international students on the nature of Hostile Environment, their rights, and organisations that can support international students experiencing hardships.

If you need urgent assistance please call University Security on 0141 548 2222 (emergencies) or 0141 548 3333 (non emergencies). University Security can contact other services as necessary.

If you experience or witness any form of intolerance and discrimination on campus and want to report it you can through the University’s Report and Support tool. If you require any further advice or support speak to the team at Student Support and Wellbeing services or contact the Advice Hub.

Support and Report

Student Support and Wellbeing

Advice Hub

The Ask Alex Service supports staff and students who are trans, non-binary and gender diverse in a range of areas. They offer a friendly person to have a chat with and can support you with referrals to external and internal sources of support or advice and information on aspects of University policies and procedures.

Ask Alex

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