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CARE DAY takes place on the third Friday of February, each year.

CARE DAY takes place on the third Friday of February, each year.

What is Care Day?

Care Day is the world’s biggest celebration of children and young people with care experience. This group includes children and young people who are or were cared for by foster carers, or other family members, and those who live in children’s homes. They deserve to be celebrated, on Care Day, and every day.

Who is celebrated on Care Day?

Students who are “care experienced” refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care. This care may have been provided in many different settings, such as: 

  • Kinship care – living with a relative who is not your mum or dad. 
  • Looked after at home – with the help of social work.
  • Residential care – living in a residential unit or school.
  • Foster care – living with foster carers. 
  • Secure care – living in a secure unit.
  • Adoption

Estranged students are those who are studying without the support and/or approval of their family network, due to a breakdown in relationships. This might be their biological, step or adoptive parents, or wider family members, who have been involved in their care.

Find out more

How to be an Ally

  • Educate yourself - learning what the different types of care experienced can be.
  • Talk about it - the more you lift up care experienced voices, the more people will pay attention.
  • Be mindful - remember that conversations or situations surrounding family may be different for care experienced students
  • Uplift us - help us celebrate care experiencedCE/E Society at Strathclyde

Support at Strathclyde

CE/E Students Society

This free society is for all care experienced and estranged students to join. Creating an environment where students can access peer support and socialise with other care experienced and estranged students.

The society is run exclusively by care experienced and estranged students, for care experienced and estranged students. They have a hugely diverse range of students involved, from undergraduates, to postgrads, mature students, across all disciplines.

Join the society

They aim to be as inclusive as possible, welcoming care experienced and estranged students regardless of background, mental or physical disability (including hidden disabilities), race, religion, sexuality, gender, or gender identity.

StrathCares is the official page of the Strathclyde CE&E Society, and its aim is to support, empower and bring together the community. It has information about different events that the society organizes and lots of resources for CE&E students.

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