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Widening Access Students is a term to define a range of students who wouldn’t typically, or haven’t historically, accessed Higher Education in large numbers.

Widening Access

Widening Access Students is a term to define a range of students who wouldn’t typically, or haven’t historically, accessed Higher Education in large numbers.

What is Widening Access?

Widening Access is an umbrella term which encapsulates all individuals who either haven't historically entered HE in large numbers, or who would face additional barriers to HE access in comparison to their more affluent peers. These student groups include, but are not limited to:

  • Mature
  • Care Experienced
  • Estranged
  • First Generation**
  • Student Carers
  • Student Parents*
  • Refugee and Asylum seeker students**
  • GTRSB students**
  • Those who attend a school which traditionally sends a low proportion of pupils directly to the university
  • Those who live in a Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) area

*whilst being a parent isn't traditionally regarded as a WA group, in light of the unique challenges the pandemic posed to student parents, we have created a page with useful resources.

**these are groups we are looking to develop our support with. If you identify as one of these groups and would like to offer an idea, or be involved in a support project, please do get in touch by emailing us.

Strath Union is committed to providing parity of access and participation to all students enrolled at Strathclyde. This page provides a list of all services currently offered to Widening Access students through our services and at the university.

Sexual Health Workshop
24th January
Voice Room, Strath Union, Level 1
Let’s Talk About Sex(ual health) baby!
Workshops | Fairs | Student Forums | Freshers | wellbeing | Widening Access | Campaigns | Sexual Health