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Personal Circumstances

We know that your studies are only one part of your life while you’re at Strathclyde and we also know that things can come up for anyone unexpectedly which make it harder to study to the very best of your ability. The Personal Circumstances procedure is your way to tell the University what’s happened so that they can take account of it when considering extensions or your results and academic decisions at the end of the year.

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What should I know about Personal Circumstances?

The Personal Circumstances procedure applies to everyone studying at Strathclyde, regardless of your level of study, and you can access the portal via Pegasus under the ‘personal’ tab. Using this function is the only way to formally inform the University of what’s happened and be sure that it’s taken into account – telling or emailing a lecturer, your department, or another member of staff is not enough, even if they reply to acknowledge it.

Let the University know as soon as possible when something’s happened to make sure that you are supported appropriately, and that academic support can be put in place to make sure your studies aren’t affected too much. You can submit at any point during year, but if something has affected you during the exam period, then you must submit within 5 working days following your final exam/assessment.

There are certain things that will be considered and some that won’t. Things that won’t be considered include minor illness such as a common cold or headache, the timetabling of exams close to each other, losing work that was not backed up on, for example, a cloud server or external hard drive, and going on holiday or attending events such as weddings or birthday parties.

The University will also expect you to submit supporting evidence that demonstrates that your circumstances as reported are accurate. This could be a UK registered doctor’s letter if you are ill, a death certificate in the case of a bereavement, jury service summons, for example. This is not an exhaustive list by any means and if you’re not sure if your circumstances will be considered or don’t know what evidence to provide, the Advice Hub can help.

What is the process for Personal Circumstances?

The first and most important thing to do is log into Pegasus, visit the ‘personal’ tab, and submit a self-certificate detailing your circumstances. You have limited space to explain things, so make sure you keep it concise.

Once you have completed the online submission, you can then submit your evidence by email to – you can provide scans or clear photographs if you don’t have a digital version of your evidence. You must email from your Strathclyde email address so the source of the submission can be verified.

Once this is done, you’re all set! You won’t get a notification of receipt or that your circumstances have been considered, but if they are logged on Pegasus, you can rest assured that they will be passed to the relevant Personal Circumstances Board to be taken into account. Submitting can benefit students by, for example, awarding them a discounted attempt at an unsuccessful assessment (i.e., redoing it as a first attempt, not a second attempt) or awarding them further opportunities to complete a component of a course. It’s also often a required element of requesting an extension on a piece of work – check your course handbook to see what process you should follow!

When you receive your results at the end of the year, you will be able to see if any discounts or other decisions have been applied to you.

How can the Advice Hub help me with Personal Circumstances?

Our advisers work with the Personal Circumstances procedure on a daily basis, so we know it inside and out! We can help you navigate the policies and procedures to understand what you need to do, including how to submit, what to say, evidence that you can submit, and how your circumstances may be taken into account.

Useful resources

Strathclyde Personal Circumstances Procedure

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