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Two Strath Union athletes

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Who are we?

We are the University of Strathclyde Sports Union, home to over 50 Sports Clubs on campus. With around 3,000 members, we're one of the biggest and most diverse student sport communities in Scotland.

Strathclyde has long been recognised as one of the top destinations for student sport in Scotland. Our Sports Clubs cater for all levels of ability, whether you're a complete beginner or seasoned athlete, we have something for you.


Joining a sports club has been the highlight of my university experience.
  1. Sports Union Membership

    A flat fee per semester or per year which goes directly back to the club to fund various activities and operations, such as insurance, coaching, competitions and transport.

  2. Sports clubs bolt-on fee

    Some clubs charge a joining fee which subsidises additional sport-specific costs, such as equipment and kit. This is charged on top of the Sports Union membership.

  3. Facility access

    Some clubs train in the University’s Strathclyde Sport facility, where a £3 facility charge applies for each session. This is free if you’re a member of the Strathclyde Sport gym, though.

Buy your memberships

You can join any sports club by purchasing a Sports Union membership. From just £20 you can access over 50 sports on campus during the academic year. We're open to students, staff and graduates.

A Women's Basketball player smiling while dribbling the ball

Website design by Elliot Parker.