Over the month of November clubs and societies at Strathclyde raised £17,096 for Movember! At the Sports Union, we had over 25 clubs fundraising for the charity through bake sales, lifting challenges, ceilidhs and more! Check out what our clubs have been up to:
Daily Challenges
Throughout the entire month, the Surf club completed a “dunk-a-day” as a different member takes a dip in the sea each day.
Joint Efforts
Men’s and Women’s Rugby teamed together to complete a Movember gym challenge. A goal was set to lift 762,000kg to represent the 762 recorded suicides in Scotland in 2022. In just 5 days the teams managed to lift a whopping 922,362kg.
Badminton, Squash and Tennis hosted a joint racquet sport ceilidh raising funds for both Movember and Special Effect, a charity that provides accessibility solutions for people with disabilities.

Sport Competitions
Clubs also held fundraisers on what they know best – competitions!
Volleyball hosted a Movember Scramble Tournament during which participants play with new teammates every game to earn individual points.
Badminton organised a social doubles competition which raised £125!
Individual Fundraising Challenges
In addition to their club fundraising, several members took on personal challenges:
Ben, a member of Canoe and Powerlifting, challenged himself to deadlift 80kg 60 times an hour for 8 hours.
Fraser Sheriff from Badminton ran 1k for every £1 that was donated, his final total was £149!

Sports Union
The Sports Union also joined in the fundraising with a Movember Quiz organised by the SU Exec. The event raised £200 and it was great to see so many of our clubs participate!
Final Total
Sports clubs raised an amazing £12,100 for Movember! Well done to everyone involved with organising and participating in the events. Take a look at the final top 5 for the month:
Men’s Rugby
Men’s Hockey
Men’s Football
Men’s Basketball