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Affiliated sports clubs are eligible to apply to the Sports Union and University for funding to support costs associated with student sport activity. The following funds have been estbalished by the Sports Union Finance Committee:

  • Coaching & Development Fund
  • Equipment Fund
  • Competition & Events Fund 
  • Representative Sport Fund


Club Accounts

Every affiliated sports club has three accounts that are held by the Sports Union:

  1. Club Budget
  2. Club Savings
  3. Alumni/Reserves

Budget account is used to pay for items that were approved in your budget. For example affiliation fees.  It can only be used to pay for items that were approved via your budget. It can not be used to pay for anything else. This account is cleared down come the end of June.  Any monies left in this account are absorbed back into the Sports Union.

Savings account is an account your club can use to save for Christmas Dinners, Tours, equipment etc. This account is the reponsibility of the club. It is not cleared down  - it will roll over to the next year.

Alumni account is used to pay for items your club were given funding for via your successful Alumni application. This account can roll over to the following year as long as Alumni are informed in advance.


Finance Committee

The Sports Union has a Finance Committee that meets normally once a month to discuss any finance submissions that have been added to the portal.  The Finance Committe will approve or as more questions of each submisison via the portal.  Clubs should keep their eye on their sumbissions for updates.  Please see section 'Important Dates' for dates of Finance Committee Meetings.

All submisisons for upcoming events must be submitted before clubs attend the events and must be sumbitted before the next finance meeting that is due to take place before the event.  Any submissions after the event or after the Finance Committee meeting closest to your event might not be approved.


Payment of invoices

Clubs who have invoices that need paid - affiliations fees, pitch hire etc, these should be uploaded to SGF via the club website. We ask that all invoices are sumbitted in a timely manner and can take up to 7 days to process. Any queries, please contact Leanne Carnan.


Claiming money back

If individuals from clubs are due money back for items they have paid for or invoices they have paid for on behalf of their club, the process is the same as above.  Please double check your personal details when submitting them on the CMP.


Paying money into your Club Account

You can pay money in via bank transfer. If you are paying money in this way, please email Leanne Carnan to make her aware so she can pass this on to the Finance office.


Raising an invoice when club money is owed

If your club has been asked to invoice another compny for payment such as sponsorship or money due for entry fees etc. Please email Leanne Carnan with the details. We require name and address of company.  What the invoice is for (e.g. Sponsorship).


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Website design by Elliot Parker.