Sports BALL
The University of Strathclyde Sports Awards Ball is the premier social event in the calendar; providing an opportunity for the Sports Union to honour outstanding student athletes and coaches from the University, both past and present.
Sports Ball 2025 will be held on Saturday the 5th of April at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, Cambridge Street, Glasgow.
Each year, a number of awards are presented at the Sports Union Ball.
The awards are made on the basis of the achievements (sporting or administrative) of the individual or Club in the current academic year. The Awards Committee (a sub-committee involving elected student officers and an impartial external individual) is responsible for considering all applications for the following awards:
Athlete of the Year
The Strath Union Athlete of the Year is an award donated by Strathclyde Stundets' Union and is awarded to an individual who performs at the highest level during the season under review.
Duncan Mathieson Trophy (Best first year)
The Duncan Matheson Trophy is awarded for the best performance by an athlete in first year.
David Tedford Trophy (Team of the year)
This award is for the team that has demonstrated exceptional achievement possible during the season under review. The Team of the Year award is specifically reserved for teams competing in Tier 2 leagues or below (e.g., Korfball Division 2, Rowing Beginners, etc.) and is not open to Tier 1 and above teams.
Performance Team of the Year
This is a new award for 2025. This award is for the team that has achieved the highest level of sporting success during the season under review. The Performance Team of the Year award is specifically reserved for teams competing at the highest level of competition (e.g., Tier 1 teams, Rowing Championship level, BUCS Premier League, etc.).
Graduates Trophy (Club of the Year)
The Gradutes Trophy is presented to the club that has shown the most all-round sporting success and team development within the Sports Union
Drew Manzie Trophy (Outstanding contribution to coaching)
For an individual who has provided an outstanding contribution to a Sports Union section through a coaching position. This could be in the following areas:
• Improvement in standards.
• Mentoring club members.
• Increasing participation.
• Club and coaching development.
Outstanding Club Volunteer
This award was donated by Anne-Marie Hughes and is awarded to the individual who has made an notable impact on their sports and/or the Sports Union during the current season. Winners must have gone above and beyond their given role within the club (committee position, coaching, officiating, any other volunteer roles). This could include notible contributions to:
• The Sports Union
• NGB committees/groups
• Being a leader in the face of adversity
• Leading on sustained improvement and development for their club and/or sport
• Leading on initiatives/projects
•Any other major achievements
Full Blues
For an individual who has shown a consistent high level of achievement in a particular sport during the season under review. Background information should be provided that includes representation from previous years. Full Blues are allowed to wear their medal at graduation, as it is the highest non-academic award the University of Strathclyde can bestow on a student. The following information can be used to indicate this:
• National representation (Age Group/Level)
• Scottish Student Sports representation (Age Group/Level)
• Regional/District representation (Age Group/Level)
Half Blues
For an individual, who is deemed, to have had a consistent high level of performance in a particular sport during the season under review, but has not met the standard necessary for a Full Blue. The following information can be used to indicate this:
• National representation (Age Group/Level)
• Scottish Student Sports representation (Age Group/Level)
• Regional/District representation (Age Group/Level)
A club may award colours to any individuals they deem have served the club well during the season under review. It would be expected that typically, in a single yeat the nominee has given a significant contribution, of quality or quantity, to the success of the club. Over a number of years, the nominee must have held committee positions and carried them out to the success of the club. For the purposes of Colours Awards, the Sports Executive will be considered as a section. The Awards Convenor checks these decisions, and the Awards Committee ratifies the decisions.
Honorary Blues
For an individual, who has had a strong connection with the University of Strathclyde, or the Sports Union, and has shown an outstandingly high level of sporting achievement. An Honorary Blue can be awarded in either situation: A student was not recognised while at the University despite meeting the Full Blue criteria. A graduate of the University who has gone on to show an outstandingly high level of sporting achievement.)
Honorary Life Membership of Club
For an individual who has shown an outstanding service to a particular club. This may include holding a number of official roles within the section i.e. coaching, officiating. This will normally be over several seasons. Honorary Life Membership of Club shall not be awarded to a current student of the University of Strathclyde.
Honorary Life Membership of the Sports Union
For an individual who has shown an outstanding service, or impact, to multiple clubs or to the Sports Union. This will normally be over several seasons. Honorary Life Membership of The Sports Union shall not be awarded to a current student of the University of Strathclyde.
The Strathclyde Sports Union Hall of Fame is given to individuals with immense contributions or achievements within sport from a University of Strathclyde graduate. This is the highest honour bestowed by the Sports Union.
See past winners