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Committee Roles

What's involved?

A club's success is largely down to the work of its committee, the group of people who manage the club's affairs. The committee exists to serve the club and to ensure that its members receive the best possible service and experiences. To help your committee to be as successful as possible, make sure it follows a structure that works and is made up of a diverse mix of people with the right skills and experience.

Your club should be regularly electing new committee members, or at least asking existing members to stand for re-election, as an opportunity to develop or bring in new skills, experiences, and perspectives.

New committee members are typically elected at your club's Annual General Meeting (AGM). Remember to refer to your club constitution as there should be rules in place around the recruitment of committee members. For example, make sure you know whether nominations for new committee members must be taken in advance or if you can take them at the meeting (most AGMs require a proposer and a seconder for each nomination).

You might also look for new committee members if:

  • Some of your committee members have left or are intending to leave.
  • Your committee needs further skills and experience, e.g. in areas such as governance, finance or marketing.
  • You generally feel that your committee needs reinvigorating.

When appointing new committee members, you should make sure that you take skills and diversity into consideration.

Check out our Club Handbook for an overview of the key types of meetings your committee will hold and how to run these effectively and successfully. At Strathclyde, our club committees have four compulsory positions called the CTSW (captain, treasurer, secretary, wellbeing officer). Below is a summary of all four positions to help students understand their roles & responsibilities:


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