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Product Details

Graduation Bundle - Tie

Ref: P10006820

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Price: £18.00
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Don't break your ties with your Union!

Our graduation bundle is the ultimate way to still be part of your Union for life.

The graduation bundle gets you:

- Our coveted Strathclyde University tie or Strath Union mug

- A Life Membership, which gets you:

- lifelong access to you favourite local pub, not only will you get access for life- you can also sign in up to two guests. Forever enjoy cheap drinks, food and games of pool

- 50% off your first room booking and 30% off any others you make in the future: Be your future boss's favourite person by offering meeting space in Glasgow city centre, with plenty of accesible parking, what a great bargain! 

- access to join all clubs and socieites

Please note that memberships will be honoured regardless of the Union's location

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