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This page contains all the information for organising trips, travel and transport for your society.

Trips, Travel and Transport

This page contains all the information for organising trips, travel and transport for your society.

Trips and Travel

If a society is running an event off campus, they are responsible for all attendees.

Finances, Fundraising and Grants

When planning your trip, it is important to consider how you are going to finance your trip. For all information on society finances, including fundraising tips please visit the finance page. You can also consider applying for a grant to help finance your trip.


Plan for the maximum number of attendees from the start of the trip. Ensure attendees have all the relevant information about the trip – particularly the dates and the cost. This limits people dropping out closer to the trip date.

When offering places on the trip, ensure the selection process is fair. You can do this by selling tickets for the trip, running a ballot or another fair sign-up process. You cannot exclude a person from taking part in the trip without very good reason.

Top Tips

  1. Accommodation

    Read the reviews and the booking terms and conditions, as well as any cancellation policies. Cross-check different websites for the best price.

    Consider rooming situations (e.g. do any of your attendees need a room that is accessible? Is anyone uncomfortable sharing with someone else in the group?)

  2. Health and Safety

    We advise you always carry a first aid kit and ensure someone attending has basic first-aid training. Keep any relevant medical information from the attendee declarations forms accessible in case of an emergency.

  3. Culture and Law

    Respect the culture and laws of the places you will be visiting (e.g. if you're going to the USA, you don't want to accidentally get a jaywalking ticket)

On the Trip

  • Report any incidents, such as injuries or problematic behaviour, immediately to Union staff. Remember that you are representing the Union, and University, when on your trip and therefore you should conduct yourself in an appropriate manner.

All trips must submit the following documents:

Trip Authorisation

A Trip Authorisation Form must be completed and submitted in advance of any Society trip to ensure that Strath Union is aware of the trip details in the event of an emergency. Trip authorisation forms must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of any planned trips.

Complete form

Student Travel Declaration

All students attending trips must also complete and submit a Student Travel Declaration Form to ensure that risks are minimised and that the safety of all participants is considered well in advance.

Complete declaration

Risk Assessment

Risk assessments must be completed and submitted at least two weeks in advance of any planned trips.

Risk assessments


Union staff can help with hiring vehicles, booking trains or planes, or providing general advice on transport. We ask that you consider the environment when considering the transport method.

Transport Booking

We can book vehicles for societies to use, fill out this form to let us know what you need.

Complete form

Hire Rates

Click the link below to see an estimated list of costs, including VAT and insurance. The exact cost cannot be provided until after the hire period.

Hire Rates 

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