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This page contains information on completing and submitting risk assessments.

Risk Assessment

This page contains information on completing and submitting risk assessments.

Annual Risk Assessments

All societies should complete and return an annual risk assessment when they affiliate with the union that covers their core activites for the academic year.

We have an example annual risk assessment that you can use as a guide below:

Example annual risk assessment 

To complete your annual risk assessment, please fill in and return the form below:

Risk assessment template 

When using the pre-filled template, please make sure all the risks and precautions are relevant to your activity and that you add in any additional risks or precautions. 

Completed forms should be emailed for approval

Additional Risk Assessments

For events and trips that fall outwith your normal society activites, you will need to complete and return a risk assessment for these events separately. Please use the same template above and email the completed forms for approval

These are some of the factors to consider in your risk assessment:

  • Weather (e.g. if it is to be very hot, you need to take precautions against heatstroke, i.e. ensure access to water and sunscreen)
  • Trip specific injury risk (e.g. if doing a lot of walking, blisters may be common & you must be prepared with appropriate first aid)
  • Location (e.g. if going somewhere very rural, make sure you know where the nearest facilities (shops, hospitals, pharmacies)
  • Disease (e.g. regional diseases – malaria, yellow fever, rabies)
  • Wildlife (e.g. ticks (need to know preventative measures, how to check for them, how to remove, bite aftercare, warning signs for further infection), or other country specific wildlife)
  • Attendee health (e.g. attendees with diabetes, mobility issue, allergies etc.)

Risk assessments must be completed and submitted at least one week prior to any activity taking place. 

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