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Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of advertising on Job Shop or using Job Shop to find an opportunity.


Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. They govern the provision of all services provided by the Strathclyde Students’ Union Job Shop. Employers: by advertising a vacancy with us and/or by hiring one of our Students you will confirm your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Students: by obtaining information from us about a vacancy you also will confirm your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. In these terms and conditions “Employer” means any person who places a vacancy with us and “Student” means any person studying at the University of Strathclyde who pursues a vacancy advertised through the Job Shop.


  1. The Job Shop is a service run by Strathclyde Students’ Union. Our role is simply an enabling one, to pass on information, with a view to assisting students in finding local jobs and employers successfully fill local vacancies. We are not a recruitment agency. Our role is limited to the exchange of information about job vacancies. Consequently we are not a party to any subsequent employment contract which may be entered into between the Student and the Employer.
  2. The Job Shop strives to provide information which is up-to-date and as accurate as possible, however we do not make any warranties in this respect and cannot be responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in any of the information we provide.
  3. The Job Shop will not advertise: vacancies with zero hours contracts, vacancies where the rate of pay is below the National Living Wage, agency vacancies which require the student to pay a fee; vacancies which require students to make use of their personal bank/building society account for purchases or sales; vacancies which compromise the health and safety of the student; or any other vacancy which may damage our organisation’s good reputation.
  4. Strathclyde Students’ Union will not disclose a student’s name and/or address or other personal data without their permission. We will usually only seek this permission for the purpose of helping students to find employment.
  5. Information supplied to the Job Shop by employers will be retained by the Strathclyde Students’ Union and will be used for administering the Job Shop. This may include the publication of vacancies and details of participating employers on our website and in mailing lists. Additionally, the information may be used for marketing purposes and Job Shop may contact you by telephone or email to provide you with information about related schemes or services.
  6. Students please note

  7. Students must confirm for themselves that employment information provided to us is accurate. We rely on Employers to provide information which is correct and we are not responsible for any inaccuracies, see above.
  8. Students who find employment via the Job Shop are expected to present a positive image of the University and the student body. This will include acting in a reliable, responsible and honest manner at all times.
  9. Any contracts of employment entered into will be between the Student and the Employer directly. Strathclyde Students’ Union will not be a party to any such contract and will therefore not be liable to pay any salary in the event that the Employer fails to do so, or be liable for any other breach of contract or employment legislation or other legislation on the part of the Employer.
  10. Students are advised to read their employment contracts carefully and ensure that they comply with all relevant provisions, for example if they decide to terminate the contract, they should ensure that they comply with the notice provisions.
  11. If Students are dissatisfied with any aspect of their employment they are normally advised to try to resolve matters with the Employer. However, if the Employer is believed to have breached employment legislation or the Job Shop Terms and Conditions then the Student should contact Strathclyde Students’ Union.
  12. Students must also ensure that they have any necessary and/or relevant skills and qualifications required for a particular post before applying for it and that the information that they provide to Employers is full and accurate.
  13. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Strathclyde Students’ Union shall in no event be liable for any loss or damage which the Student may suffer, or any claims, charges, demands, damages, losses, expenses, and liabilities of whatever nature and howsoever arising, (including but not limited to direct and indirect loss, any compensatory, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages, personal injury, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, or claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind or character arising out of or in connection with your employment or engagement by any Employer, facilitated through the Job Shop (except where such claims are due to Strathclyde Students’ Union’s negligence).
  14. Employers please note

  15. The Employer must provide full and clear information about the nature of the work; the rate of pay, method and timing of payment and any other relevant information, at the time of registering the vacancy, and inform the Job Shop if you employ at Strathclyde University student through the Job Shop.
  16. Strathclyde Students’ Union reserves the right not to accept vacancies for advertisement, or to withdraw notified vacancies at any time and for any reason at its sole discretion.
  17. The Job Shop operates within guidelines on the minimum hourly rates for pay according to the government’s National Living Wage and hours of work for vacancies it accepts and will provide advice on this when vacancies are registered.
  18. If an Employer is contacted by a Student about a vacancy they must provide the Student with clear and accurate information about the nature of the work offered and give them as much detail as possible about such matters as the proposed wages, the number and distribution of the hours to be worked, the date that the employment will end if applicable, holidays and other important terms.
  19. The Employer should let all candidates know the result of an application as soon as possible and must immediately inform the Job Shop administrative staff if the post has been filled before the expiration date of the vacancy advertising period registered with us.
  20. If an Employer offers work to one of our Students and they accept it, the Employer further undertakes to comply with all applicable employment and discrimination legislation and not to discriminate against any Student on the basis of age, disability, family responsibilities, gender, marital status, nationality, race, religious or political views or affiliations, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.
  21. The Employer must satisfy themselves that any Student to whom they offer work, possesses any necessary or relevant skills, qualifications, training or attributes required for the vacancy. Strathclyde Students’ Union makes no warranties in this respect and is not liable for any inaccuracies or errors contained in a Student’s CV, or any misrepresentations made by Students.
  22. Strathclyde Students’ Union is not be responsible in any way for the conduct or performance of any Student recruited through them and to the fullest extent permitted by law, Strathclyde Students’ Union shall in no event be liable for any claims, charges, demands, damages, losses, expenses, and liabilities of whatever nature and howsoever arising, (including but not limited to direct and indirect loss, any compensatory, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages, personal injury, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, claims of third parties including from injuries sustained by third parties and damage to other persons property, or other losses of any kind or character arising out of or in connection with the employment or engagement of any Student, (except where such claims are due to Strathclyde Students’ Union’s negligence).
  23. The Employer shall indemnify the Strathclyde Students’ Union against any claims or other such matters referred to in clauses 20 and 23 above, such indemnity to include but not be limited to, the costs of any legal or other professional fees and of defending or prosecuting any claim and any loss of profit, goodwill, and any other direct or consequential loss incurred or suffered by Strathclyde Students’ Union in connection therewith.
  24. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions will result in Employers being prevented from advertising through our Job Shop in the future.
  25. All fees will be discussed and agreed at the time the Employer places an advert or requests any other service provided by Strathclyde Students’ Union. The Employer must pay for the services within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Strathclyde Students’ Union reserve the right to charge interest on invoices which are not paid within 30 days of dispatch, from the date on which payment was due until the date of actual payment.

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