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News Article

No Detriment Policy

Read Your Student Executive Statement on the No Detriment Policy.

DetrimentNo Detriment PolicyStrath UnionStudent Exec

Edit 13/04  - Adapted from Kayla-Megan Burns' Announcement

No Detriment Policy Passed!

We are delighted to announce that our No-Detriment Policy has been passed by University Senate!
So what does this mean for you?  

This morning you should have received an email to your Strath inbox about the no detriment and COVID, but we thought it would be useful to cut through a few of the points about it:

  •  It will cover the whole academic year
  • It will cover postgrads and undergrads
  • It means that you can carry over more credits into next year if you want to
  • It lowers the threshold for compensated passes and increases the number of classes which you can pass by compensation (ie you can fail one or more classes and still pass if your average mark overall is above 40% at UG and 50% at PG level)

With personal circumstances, the exam board also has the ability to:

  • Discount exam attempts if you don't pass on the first attempt
  • Exclude modules from your grade calculations if it's dragging you down unfairly - this can also be referred to as discretionary credits
  • This will apply to the exam resit period also
  • Flexibility for extention requests

  • More compassionate Personal Circumstances Procedures

You can get more info on this here:

And if you have any questions please fire them over to and if you'd like to register for personal circumstances, this can be really easily done with the Advice Hub who you can contact here:

Original Article

We know that you all have been very anxious about getting the No Detriment Policy reinstated for this year –  it has been a tough few months – however, we are beyond relieved to tell you that we have now had it confirmed by the University that they will be implementing a new No Detriment Policy, for all levels of study, covering this whole academic year.

The exact wording of the policy won’t be available for a little while longer, as it is still being developed, but we hope to have something to share in the coming weeks, however it will be ready in time for the exam boards and will cover all of your work within semesters 1 and 2!

We really valued getting all of your input into what should be accounted for in this policy, and we brought every comment and suggestion with us into University meetings and thankfully they were all well received. As a result, this policy should consider the impacts of:

  • Student parents

  • Student carers

  • Students with young people at home

  • Studying conditions

  • Additional challenges completing group work

  • Time zone differences

  • Lack of library opening hours

  • Difficulties with device sharing and connectivity

  • General additional difficulties with life/studying due to COVID

As the new No Detriment Policy continues to develop, we will ensure that it is robust and meets the needs of all students. We continue to value your feedback and experiences, so if you have an experience to share, or suggestions for what should be covered by the policy - please do get in touch!