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News Article

Exec Statement

newsStudent Exec
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At this week's Student Parliament meeting, the elected body of students passed the following motion:

Be it resolved that Strath Union reaffirms its support of the Palestinian state, condemning the attacks of the Israeli government on the people of Gaza and Palestine. Be it further resolved that Strath Union condemns the government, not the people. Anti-semitic, Islamophobic and racist behaviours are not welcome in our society or campus.

Fundraising for humanitarian relief from the Union and our societies will be taking place in the coming days. The Student Exec encourages the student body to engage and support providing help for those in need.

We must recognise and fight Antisemitic, Islamophobic and racist behaviour in our society. These behaviours do not reflect what we stand for here at Strath Union and will not be tolerated on our campus.

If you have been a victim of harassment, discrimination or witnessed anything that is against the Union's code of conduct, we would ask that you contact University of Strathclyde Report and Support.

Report and Support

- Strath Union Student Exec


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