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News Article

Livingstone Tower MSA Open

Mature student Association StrathclydeMSAMSA StrathMSA Strath UnionMSA StrathclydeStrath Union
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Living stone Tower MSA


Dear MSA Members,

We are delighted to announce that the MSA area on Level 2 of the Livingstone Tower will be open to you from Monday to Friday, 8am 10pm.
So we thought we would remind you of some of the good stuff we have to offer!
- Tea & coffee facilities
- Quiet study area with I.T and printing services along with access to the University network (Pegasus/Myplace). 
- The opportunity to make friends with those in a similar age range / studying similar courses / have similar life experiences. ?
- A supportive network in a friendly space for those struggling with mental health or other issues and wish to have a peaceful area to retreat to. ?

We look forward to finally meeting you all in person!

Have a great weekend & stay safe!

- Love from all of us here at #StrathMSAThis link will open in a new tab




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