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Sophie's Story

Volunteer Stories
Sophie smiling to camera.

Sophie Tine

BBA, 3rd Year

President of AIESEC Glasgow

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

I have been an AIESEC volunteer for the past 2 years. I am one of these weird people that love reading emails and one day I got from my department offering a position within the organisation. As I was in my first year and wanted to meet new people it seemed the perfect place for that so I applied for the role.

Shortly after joining as a Member I became a Team Leader and was in charge of 4 people. It was the first time I was experiencing leadership. This role has taught me that caring and connecting with people personally can help drive the achievement of a bigger goal.

Later, after some positive bullying from my mates, I decided to run for the position of President of AIESEC in Glasgow for the 20.21 term. As the water got poured on me (which is how we elect people in AIESEC), at only 19 years-old, I felt a huge weight of responsibility for the first time in my life– people had elected me and I couldn't let them down.

In this role my leadership changed again. Not only was I responsible for my team's development, I was also responsible for establishing a strategy for the committee, project planning and management, stakeholder management and international relations among many other things. I have faced challenges I never thought I would overcome, especially after the COVID-19 outbreak when I had to guide my team into re-learning everything we thought we knew how to do.

Reflecting on this experience now, despite all the hardship and the sometimes frustration of "having to" volunteer when I could be doing many more lucrative or enjoyable things, I realise I've not given my time for free, I simply got rewarded in a different way.

In AIESEC I grew tremendously as a person, made incredible international friends, learnt many valuable lessons, got out of my comfort zone, developed useful skills and made an impact. I am now self-aware, a problem-solver, a world citizen and seek to empower as many people as I can.

As I am about to start a new role at national level, I am forever grateful to have gotten the chance to dedicate my time for such a beautiful cause: developing leadership within the youth for peace and fulfilling of humankind potential.


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