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Melina's Story

Hear to ListenVolunteer Stories
Melina smiling at camera

Hi everyone, my name is Melina and I'm in my first and final year of my Master's degree in International Management :)

Since coming to Strathclyde in September 2023, I have been volunteering as a class representative for my course and as a listener for Hear to Listen.When I arrived at university in September, I felt quite overwhelmed - new country, new city, new uni, new everything and I didn't know a single person. By deciding to volunteer, I hoped to meet people, make friends, and gain experience.

The result: I have been able to gain a lot of cool experiences in my time so far, have learnt a lot about myself and my personal strengths and have made great friends. In short: I have a place in a great team and the fear of being alone in a new environment has slowly but surely diminished.

What I particularly like about Hear to Listen are the skills we learn. The ability to listen properly and with concentration is a skill that you can always use in your life. Helping others and lifting a burden by listening is a wonderful act and doesn't require complicated training. For me, the feeling of being able to relieve someone's worries and make them feel good again is the reason why I like to get involved with Hear to Listen.

I can recommend volunteering and giving something back to students to anyone. Volunteering opens a new opportunity that you didn't realise could be waiting for you. It's a great way to (further) develop your soft skills and make new friends.


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