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Arunabh's Story

Strath ACTIVEVolunteer Stories
Arunabh standing outside Strathclyde Sport

MSc Business Analysis and Consulting Student

Volunteering for: StrathActive

Unexpected Joy in Volunteering for StrathActive

Walking into that first StrathActive session, I'll admit, I wasn't exactly brimming with anticipation. Indoor football? Not my forte. But what I found surprised me – not the casual skill level, but the infectious enthusiasm. This wasn't about showing off; it was about joy, connection, and shared movement.

Everyone, despite varying talents, was warmly welcomed and included. I saw smiles, high fives, and genuine camaraderie as people played new positions and gave their all. It was more than just a game; it was the power of sport uniting people.

Hooked, I ended up joining most sessions that semester. The fun was undeniable, and I secretly wished to contribute if the chance arose.

Fast forward to the next September, and that chance did! Becoming a StrathActive leader was amazing. Supportive peers and Lee fostered a fantastic environment, and witnessing the program's positive impact on students filled me with immense satisfaction. Seeing someone discover a love for a new sport, that sparkle in their eyes – that's the reward.

My time volunteering was truly beautiful. Trying new sports, helping others learn, and constantly growing myself – it was an experience I wouldn't trade. But, alas, even beautiful things sometimes end.

To anyone considering StrathActive, whether participant or leader, do it! You get to try different sports, help others try new sports, and learn new things yourself every single day. So, a heartfelt thank you, StrathActive, for this incredible opportunity. You've left a lasting impact on me.


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