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Students painting and smiling

Communist Society - SCS

At the Strathclyde Uni Communist Society we are a group of students interested in socialist and working-class politics on campus and across Scotland, Britain and the world. Come and join us!

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About us

Our society aims to promote working-class and socialist poltics on Strathclyde campus. Our society is affiliated with the Glasgow University Commuist Society, our sister soicety.

Our society follows the programme of the Communist Party of Britain, Britain's Road to Socialism which argues that socialism is the only alternative system of society that can meet the essential needs of humanity, providing the basis for ending all forms of exploitation and oppression.

Our society while only a few years old  has been at the forefront of the class struggle on Strathclyde campus, giving support to the Strathclyde UCU branch and Strathclyde Unite branch in their strike action against the university bosses who continue to marketise and corporatise our education at Strathclyde while disregarding, underpaying and undervaluing the staff who make the university run.

Last year (2022) we took this struggle to the Student Parliament submitting motions for full and unconditional support of the strikes from the Student Union. We aim to continue this fight this year.

As communists we recognise that under neoliberalism, education and culture has been decimated and marketised. Our community centres and have been closed, our schools, colleges and universities have seen cuts. Culturally our cities such as Glasgow and Edinburgh, once hubs of creativity in music, arts and writing, are now shells of their former selves.

Our society, our sister society, and the Young Communist League of Britain, aim to change this by offering real working-class culture and creativity. At SCS over the 23-24 year we will be putting on educationals, fundraisers and gigs.

If you have any interest in politics or how the world works, please get in touch and join us!

As Karl Marx said "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point however, is to change it."


Committee Member

  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!

Vice President

  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


Challenge Magazine

Thu 19 Oct 2023

Sign Up


There are no events scheduled right now. Why not get in touch with the group to suggest something?




Ready to join?

Get your membership now and be part of Communist Society - SCS.


  • Communist Society - SCS Standard Membership£0.00
  • Communist Society - SCS Associate Membership£0.00