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Close-up of someone sculpting a duck out of clay, other people sculpting with clay in the background.

Re-act Theatre Group

Acting, Directing, Tech, Design, Hair, Make-up, and much more!

Badges explained

About us

Welcome to Re-Act Theatre Group Strathclyde!

We are the University of Strathclyde's drama group, and we would love to have you as a member! Our meetings are every Tuesday in RC471 from 5-7pm and every Friday in GH902 from 6pm to 8pm. You can check our socials out for updates and general insight into React! You can also check out our committee intros over there!

All of them are linked on this page, but if you need a bit extra help:

Instagram - @react.strath

Tiktok - @react.strath

Of course, in any theatre group, there's not just acting going on. We put on one show per semester, and there is always a lot to do! This could mean, of course, acting or directing, but also staging, lighting, costuming, make-up, hair, or even managing all of backstage if you feel up to the task. There are so many jobs that you'll be sure to find something that suits you, so don't be nervous to come try it out, even if you've never done theatre!

On top of the official sessions, we of course do socials. We go hang out after each sessions, but also usually organise one big social every semester! In the past, those have been karaoke nights, movie nights, pub crawls, trampoline parks and so on! On top of those, we have the traditions of our annual Christmas dinners and Apollo Awards!

Members of ReAct in fancy dress after a rehearsal preparing to go to Karaoke



If all of -or even just part of- that sounds like something you'd want to be a part of, you can send us a message via the email address linked on this page ( or any of our social media! Our Instagram will always have the latest updates on our events and otherwise!

We hope to see you soon!

   The ReAct Theatre Group Logo



  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!

Fundraising Officer

General Member

PR Manager


Safety and Wellbeing Officer


Social Convener


Vice President


There are no current news articles.

Sign Up


Witness for the Prosecution
28th-29th March
The Assembly Hall (RC471), Royal College Building, The University of Strathclyde, 204 George Street, G1 1RX. , Glasgow
ReAct Theatre Group Presents: Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie!




Ready to join?

Get your membership now and be part of Re-act Theatre Group.


  • Re-act Theatre Group Full Year Membership£10.30
  • Re-act Theatre Group Associate Membership (full year)£10.30