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Close-up of someone sculpting a duck out of clay, other people sculpting with clay in the background.

Cymdeithas Cymry Glasgow Welsh Society

Cymdeithas ddwyieithog i Gymry ifanc Glasgow / / A bilingual society for young Welsh people in Glasgow

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About us

Cymuned i alluogi Cymry a phobl nad ydynt yn Gymry yn Glasgow i ddod at ein gilydd i ddathlu iaith, diwylliant a hunaniaeth Cymru. Dilynwch ni ar Instagram @cymdeithascymryglasgow er mwyn cael mwy o wybodaeth, a chael mynediad i'n grwp Whatsapp.

A community to allow Welsh and non-Welsh people alike in Glasgow to come together to celebrate the language, culture and identity of Wales. Follow us on Instagram @cymdeithascymryglasgow for more information, and for access to our Whatsapp group.




  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


Vice President

  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


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Twmpath Dewi Sant - St David's Day Ceilidh
1st March
Strath Union, Glasgow
A Welsh ceilidh to celebrate our national day, with a live band!




Ready to join?

Get your membership now and be part of Cymdeithas Cymry Glasgow Welsh Society.


  • Cymdeithas Cymry Glasgow Welsh Society Associate Membership£0.00
  • Cymdeithas Cymry Glasgow Welsh Society Standard Membership£0.00