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What is Disc Golf?

Disc golf is a lot like regular (ball) golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, though, players use a flying disc (like a frisbee). Like golf, players aim to complete each hole with the fewest strokes ("throws" in disc golf)

Disc Golf in Glasgow:

There are 4 Disc Golf courses in Glasgow - all completely free to play in public parks - built and maintained by Glasgow Disc Golf Club

They are:

We'll be regularly running trips to these courses - and potentially to ones further afield - including Bluebell Woods, east of Edinburgh, and Loch Tay in the highlands

Glasgow Disc Golf Club host several tournaments and leagues, and are a great, active community.

GDGC recently kindly donated to us a full size portable disc golf basket, which we bring out on campus for tasters and putting practice!



How do you play?

A golf disc is thrown from a tee area to a target, which is the "hole." The hole can be one of a number of disc golf targets; the most common is an elevated metal basket. As a player progresses down the fairway, they make each consecutive throw from the spot where the previous throw landed. Finally, the "putt" lands in the basket and the hole is completed.

Types of Disc Golf Disc:

  • There are three main types of disc golf discs - drivers, midranges, and putters.
    • Drivers have sharper rims, will go the furthest but are hard to control.
    • Putters have the bluntest rim, and will go the straighest but not as far.
    • Midranges are somewhere in between.
  • Putters and midranges are both great beginner discs.

Types of throw:

  • Backhand Throws: the most common throw in disc golf: grip the disc how it feels good, reach back away from your target, pull the disc through in a straight line towards the target and give it a flick as you release to send it flying!
  • Forehand Throws: The other main throw in disc golf is the forehand. Grip with two fingers on the inside rim of the disc and thumb on top. Stand side on, reach back and whip the disc towards the target. Try and keep the disc flat on release for better flight distance and control.



  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!

Honorary Disc Master

  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


  • This group doesn't have any committee members. Watch out for the next election and you could get involved!


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