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Monday Meeting! Strath Mary's Meals

Monday Meeting

Come along to be the 1st to hear big updates like upcoming events & volunteering opportunities, plus meet new people & hang-out! Everyone is welcome- you don't need to be a society member!

What's occurring?

If there's anything we can do to make our meetings more accessible or otherwise help you feel comfortable, just get in-touch!

What's the agenda?

Every week we cover the following:
  • Our fundraising progress
  • Upcoming events
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Current Mary's Meals campaigns
  • Chat & hang-out

Then, each week has a theme which links to our charity's work.

This week's topic is: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
  • What is poverty/what contributes to it
  • What Mary's Meals does in the long-term to help eradicate poverty in the areas where they work


Upcoming meeting dates

31st October, 14th November, 28th November, 9th January, 23rd January, 6th February, 20th February, 6th March, 20th March

Meeting powerpoints will be posted in our society resources & our Facebook group for members to access- so don't worry if you miss a meeting. If you're not a member, but would like the powerpoint slides for a meeting, just let us know.

Event hosted by Mary's Meals


Monday 17 October 2022


6:30pm - 7:30pm


Mandela Auditorium

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