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Societies Events

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Forthcoming Events

Fri 21st February

Strath Kilimanjaro team Glencoe Weekend Trip
6pm - 10pm
Glencoe Village
Our first training and social weekend trip in the highlands

Tue 25th February

PokéSoc Quiz Night: TealMask and IndigoDisk Ed.
6pm - 8pm
Livingstone Tower Room 501
A follow up to our previous Quiz Night, now focusing on the DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The TealMask and VioletDisk!
Quiz Night
7pm - 10pm
Strath Union
Quiz Night
Quiz Night
7pm - 10pm
Strath Union, Glasgow

Wed 26th February

Acute leukaemia workshop
2pm - 4pm
Strath union - Mandela room , Glasgow
Research Worksop with mark Williams on acute myeloid leukaemia and multiple myeloma
Mahjong Night
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to play Mahjong! A traditional Asian tile game!

Fri 28th February

SUPDC Spectator Tickets
1pm - 9pm
The Venue, Strath Union, 51 Richmond Street, G1 1XU, Glasgow
Spectator tickets for the Scottish University Pole Dance Competition 2025

Tue 4th March

The Super-Duper-Wooper-Wallop!!
6pm - 8pm
Livingstone Tower Room 501
A Strath PokéSoc Tounrey with 2 rules: 1) You get 1 Pokémon. 2) That Pokémon is Wooper.

Wed 5th March

EMExMAE Ladies Lunch
2pm - 5pm
Butterfly and Pig, Glasgow
EME Society is happy to announce the return of the annual Ladies + Lunch event in collaboration with the MAE Society! Open to all female and non-binary students from EME, EEE, CES and MAE.
Cantonese Lessons
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to learn Cantonese for free!

Thu 6th March

Law Society Craft Pottery Social
7:30pm - 9:30pm
The Craft Pottery, Glasgow

Fri 7th March

7pm - 11pm
Bowlarama, Glasgow City Centre
Bowling at Bowlarama!

Tue 11th March

PokéSoc Movie Night
6pm - 8pm
Livingstone Tower Room 501
Grab the popcorn for member's choice

Wed 12th March

Mahjong Night
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to play Mahjong! A traditional Asian tile game!

Tue 18th March

The Battle Factory Tournament
6pm - 8pm
Livingstone Tower Room 501
The return of a Strath PokéSoc Classic (AKA Steal'mons)

Wed 19th March

Cantonese Lessons
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to learn Cantonese for free!

Wed 26th March

Mahjong Night
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to play Mahjong! A traditional Asian tile game!
A Night At The Oscars!
7:30pm - midnight
The Monkey Room, Moskito, Glasgow
A Night At The Oscars! 🌟

Sun 30th March

SUCB Ceildh Night
7pm - 11:45pm
Sloans, 108 Argyle St, Glasgow

Wed 2nd April

Cantonese Lessons
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to learn Cantonese for free!
Mahjong Night
5pm - 7pm
Elder room
Come join us to play Mahjong! A traditional Asian tile game!

Sun 20th April

SUJO Live at Cottiers
7pm - 10:30pm
Cottiers Theatre, 3-95 Hyndland St, Glasgow G11 5PU, Glasgow
Strathclyde University Jazz Orchestra perform their headline gig live at Cottiers Theatre.
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