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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.

Election Posts

Autumn Elections 2022

Strath Union Autumn 2022 elections and by-elections. Please note that you need to log in the website to submit your nomination

The polls have closed.

Disabled Students' Rep

The Disabled Students’ Rep promotes inclusivity on campus and is a spokesperson for all students that self-define as disabled students. The officer sits on the Strathclyde Students’ Union Equality Diversity Committee. The Disabled Students’ Rep directly reports to the Vice President Inclusion and works closely together with the Student Exec and the Disabled Students Group on campaigns concerning disabled students. The Rep must self-define as a disabled student enrolled at Strathclyde University.
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Halls Rep

Representing students staying both in Strathclyde University halls, and private halls, the Halls Rep is a spokesperson for students living in student accommodation. The Rep directly reports to the Vice President Welfare and works closely together with the Student Exec on campaigns concerning halls students. The Rep must self-define as staying in halls at the time of election. Term of office to October 2022 and honorarium of £600.
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Faculty Rep Business Postgraduate Research

Faculty Reps represent students’ views and interests at faculty-wide meetings and committees. They support the programme reps in their faculty and act as a link between programme reps, University staff and the Union. They will be engaged and involved in the Union’s education campaigns and events. Term of office to March 2022 and honorarium of £500.
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Faculty Rep Business Postgraduate Taught

Faculty Reps represent students’ views and interests at faculty-wide meetings and committees. They support the programme reps in their faculty and act as a link between programme reps, University staff and the Union. They will be engaged and involved in the Union’s education campaigns and events. Term of office to October 2022 and honorarium of £1,000.
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Faculty Rep Engineering Postgraduate Taught

Faculty Reps represent students’ views and interests at faculty-wide meetings and committees. They support the programme reps in their faculty and act as a link between programme reps, University staff and the Union. They will be engaged and involved in the Union’s education campaigns and events. Term of office to October 2022 and honorarium of £1,000.
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Faculty Rep Science Postgraduate Taught

Faculty Reps represent students’ views and interests at faculty-wide meetings and committees. They support the programme reps in their faculty and act as a link between programme reps, University staff and the Union. They will be engaged and involved in the Union’s education campaigns and events. Term of office to October 2022 and honorarium of £1,000.
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Faculty Rep Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate Taught

Faculty Reps represent students’ views and interests at faculty-wide meetings and committees. They support the programme reps in their faculty and act as a link between programme reps, University staff and the Union. They will be engaged and involved in the Union’s education campaigns and events. Term of office to October 2022 and honorarium of £1,000.
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NUS Scotland Conference Delegate (9 places)

These elected delegates represent Strathclyde Students at the annual NUS Scotland Conference. This is a democratic body of the National Union of Students, where regional policy is set, governance is amended and the next leaders of the student movement are elected. Dates: two days w/c 27th March (either Tuesday/Wednesday or Wednesday/Thursday)
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NUS UK Conference Delegate (8 places)

These elected delegates represent Strathclyde students at the annual NUS National Conference. This is the main democratic body of the National Union of Students, where national policy is set, governance is amended and the next leaders of the student movement are elected. Conference Dates: Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March 2023, at the Harrogate Convention Centre
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