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Candidate for the position of Mature Students' Rep

Image for Deborah Macpherson

Deborah Macpherson

Inclusivity, Diversity and Respect

If you were over 21 at the time of your enrolment in University, then the MSA is the place for you. 

So, why should you choose me as your MSA representative? As a mature student myself, I have been an active member of the association since my first year at university.  I have also been a co-convener of the committee over the last year during which time I feel I have gained great insight into the wide variety of issues and challenges that mature students face – I feel this experience and knowledge will aid me in my endeavour to be the best representative possible.  I have also aided in ensuring the smooth running of several services provided for students.

If elected as your MSA representative, what will I aim to achieve? To highlight and extend the position of the MSA within the wider University; secure a greater amount of services for students; secure more space and facilities for the association; ensure the MSA remains an inclusive and safe place for all.

How do I propose to achieve these goals? Through communicating the needs and desires of all mature students; run a ‘drop-in-service’ for students to discuss issues and ideas; collaborate with other groups, societies and representatives; hold events throughout the year in which students from all backgrounds can meet; ensure the committee attends more events throughout the year.

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