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Candidate for the position of International Students' Rep

Image for Adnan Zameer

Adnan Zameer

Go Ahead - Raise your Voice ! Mark your Choice and Rejoice!

I’m standing to be your next International Students’ Rep.

Adnan Zameer

Representation of International Students on the campus

Kia Ora!

 I’m Adnan currently studying MSc in Hydrogeology, The University of Strathclyde

I’m standing to be your next International Students’ Rep!

I served as President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Students Chapter in my undergraduate. Represented students from all years, I have organized national conferences, webinars & campaigns. I have also worked as a Council Member of the Chartered Institute of Highway and Transportation (CIHT, UK) in 2021-22 and worked for EDI strategy. Recently finished my role as a Committee Member for CIWEM - New Zealand (Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management) where I worked closely with senior leadership in setting up of new CIWEM branch. In addition to that, I motivate and Inspire young students to become leaders to lead and become worthy global citizens, through mentorship and guidance.

If elected for International Students’ Rep! I will campaign on:

International Students:

  • Representing the voice of international students within the Union.
  • Work for problems of international students not only from the Engineering faculty but also across all faculty.
  • Run campaigns related to international student issues.

Strath Experience:

  • Sustainable Campus – Campaign for Climate Change at the campus.
  • Inclusive Strathclyde (Attainment & retention, representative staff, diverse curriculum)
  • Influence policy for International Students through UKCISA’s student network.

My experience representing all, my relationship with university leadership & connectivity to national movements make me your best choice!

Vote #Adnan No.1 for International Students’ Rep!


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