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Candidate for the position of NUS UK Conference Delegate


Benn Rapson for NUS Delegate - A Voice from the Left, A Voice for Democracy, A Voice for a Members led NUS.

NUS Conference 2019 is set to be a critical moment for the future of the National Union of Students. It is vital that the delegates you send to represent you, stand up for your interests as members of StrathUnion.

I am proud to call myself a socialist - I believe in people powered democracies and members led organisations. I run a political society here at StrathUnion, have run for election in the Autum of this year, and actively engage with our Student Parliament and members of our Student Executive.

As your NUS Scotland delegate I will pasionately stand up for the existence of NUS Scotland and its national structures, the continued existence of its executive so that the unique perspective of students studying in Scotland is always well represented at a UK Level.

I believe that if NUS is to survive, and thrive even, we need radical change and reform. Too many students are simply unaware of the function and purpose of the NUS. This needs to change and it can change by; empowering our members and ensuring they have a voice, pursuing a radical policy programme, more direct interaction with institutions such as StrathUnion and applying pressure to the relevent government authorities.

As your NUS delegate I will passionately stand up for and defend the policy positions of StrathUnion and its members. The Student movement is capable of incredible things when we put our mind to it. By working together and uniting - we can win for students at Strathclyde and campuses across Scotland.

Now is the time to be bold and radical - not timid and conservative.

Please vote Benn Rapson #1 for NUS Delegate.

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