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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.


Candidate for the position of NUS Scotland Conference Delegate

Image for Jay Sutherland

Jay Sutherland

Radical, class based, independentist politics. Time to represent the working class students.

Let’s be honest, Strathclyde could not be more different from that elitist, overwhelmingly non-Scottish university in the west end that we all know. This is a working-class, popular university and our delegates must represent that. Why is it that only Strathclyde Uni accepts mostly working-class Scottish Students? 

I am from East Ayrshire, from a working-class background, my father is a plumber, and my mother is a social worker. I have lived in Glasgow for 6 years, fought my landlord (in court and physically), and won! It is disgusting to me to see our student life be represented by rich, south-of-the-border students at other universities who don’t have to worry about finding a flat or feeding themselves. 

It is time we had delegates to the Scottish NUS who treat Scotland like its own nation. Building on the work of our previous NUS president in separating us from the English NUS. Vote for me to shake things up on behalf of our proud, working-class university - the place of useful learning, not bourgeois aspiration. @Jay_Sutherland_

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