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Candidate for the position of NUS UK Conference Delegate

Image for Amaira Singh Balyan

Amaira Singh Balyan

Earmarking Establishment Elaboration

Communication and confidence are my forte, that’s what we need to represent Strathclyde in the most just manner at the NUS Conference.

Aim is to create an impact with well researched ideas, preferred and approved by all. We will be working towards making the best changes possible considering student benefit.

Moving forward with an ideology to best utilize the given time and come up with a solution which benefits all. 

I have led an entire department of event management and front faced directed towards literary arts, at an annual fest organized by an esteemed University, also co-leaded dramatics department for the year 2019-2020. 

Prior experiences in leadership roles can ensure best outcomes.

Let’s make Strathclyde known to all!!

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