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Candidate for the position of Faculty Rep Science Undergraduate

Image for Max McAllan

Max McAllan

Hi there, I’m Max and I am a third-year microbiology and pharmacology student. I have been a class rep for the past three years and am currently events coordinator of the Biomedical Sciences Society. With our education having been disrupted so much over this last year ensuring the student voice is well represented has never been more important. Having previously worked on committees and as a rep I know the value of teamwork and comprise and will ensure that the concerns of science undergraduates are listened to.

If elected I will seek to do the following:

  • Ensure timetabling is consistent for all classes on Pegasus, running orders and the Strathclyde app.
  • Campaign for the release of feedback for all submissions and final exams.
  • Campaign for lectures to continue to be recorded and posted online
  • Push for on-site labs and workshops to be prioritised in the future to allow students to work on practical skills
  • Campaign for library services to open fully as soon as possible and for eating areas to be re-established to allow students to study for long periods
  • Work closely with all class reps and ensure they are given the tools they require to listen to and respond to their peers.

If you have any suggestions or questions please get in touch,

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