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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.


Candidate for the position of Vice President Community



I have your interests at heart, with your voices behind me.

I know it is difficult for us to open up at times in a new environment and I completely empathize with that feeling since I have faced it too. If I were to win, one important system that I would like to introduce is that of Student Mentors. I believe it is imperative to have a senior who has probably faced the same difficulties, to offer their support to the first years as well. It is a very high chance that this semester will be delivered online and the Principal once refused to reduce the tuition fee. But I am sure that Strathclyde as an institution has the best interest at heart for us and I will try my utmost to ensure we receive fair treatment.It is imperative for the University to form an elaborate system of a placement cell considering the fact that most students come to the United Kingdom with the expectations of better career options. However, not everyone has been able to avail these opportunities. I promise to make these facilities available to everyone through workshops in greater frequencies and provide modules with clearer instructions to make things as convenient for you as possible. I want my peers to know that I acknowledge the importance of your vote, your opinion and our bond as we embark on this life changing journey with Strathclyde. I want your voices to be heard and I want you to grant me the privilege to deliver this to the respective panel and administration.

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