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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.


Candidate for the position of President

Image for Benn Rapson

Benn Rapson

Vote Benn Rapson #1 for Strath Union President: Making Change Happen!

Making Change Happen!

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What I have done this year:

  • Secured a 50% increase to the Postgrad Alumni Discount
  • Established the Greater Glasgow Student Tenants Union
  • Passed the Student Mental Health Agreement
  • Secured backing for Scholarships for Care Experienced and Estranged Students
  • Scrapped Transcript Fees
  • Carried out the Sexual Health Survey
  • Challenged private accommodation providers who created unjustifiable barriers for students seeking to cancel their tenancy due to Covid-19
  • Actively Fighting for Tuition Fee Refunds


What I want to achieve next year:

Your Union, Your Voice:

  • Launch the new Strath Union building in style (When it’s safe to do so!)
  • Fairer funding for Strath Union and the Sports Union
  • Democracy Reform including the exploration of Paid Part Time Officers
  • Develop a Strath Union App
  • Organise Day Trips Post-Covid
  • Pursue a Student Housing Co-Op
  • More support for Liberation Groups
  • New homes for SUMSA and the MSA


Your University, Your Experience:

  • Establish a Sexual Health Clinic on campus
  • Revamp Report and Support
  • Abolish Nourish and revamp campus catering
  • Secure free laundry in Halls
  • Increase mental health investment
  • Reduce Strathclyde Sport membership fees
  • Review the accessibility and safety of campus
  • Improve the quality of communication from the University


Your Education, Your Future:

  • Keep lecture recordings post-Covid
  • Extend the No Detriment Policy for as long as it's required
  • Continue fighting for fee reductions and against rising tuition fees
  • More paid internships
  • Postgraduate Widening Access bursaries
  • More support for Postgraduate Researchers and the DRG
  • Investment in the Study Skills Service
  • More international exchange opportunities

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