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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.


Candidate for the position of Vice President Inclusion

Image for Manon Eleri

Manon Eleri

Ensuring safe spaces for all

Hi! I'm Manon Eleri and I'm a fourth year law student and current president of the Feminist Society at Strathclyde.

I'm standing for VP inclusion this year as I believe in creating an accessible space where everyone feels heard and accepted at Strathclyde. Covid has meant many of our safe spaces have taken an online format this year and I want to ensure that in the next academic year no one feels left out, especially when we don't know what the next year will look like. I want to ensure that regardless of whether we can meet in person, there are still online spaces where underrepresented groups can meet and talk to others and feel included.

If elected, I would like my work to focus on:

  • Ensuring that everyone feels comfortable using the gym through introducing an hour every week where women, queer and non-binary people can exercise in a safe space
  • Creating a new workshop for all clubs and societies which focuses on the use of inclusive language 
  • Organising for sustainable period products to be available through the Union
  • Encouraging societies to continue to hold events online to ensure that everyone can participate and feel included; especially those who cannot or do not feel comfortable attending in person events
  • Continuing current union campaigns to ensure that no sexual assault survivor is silenced, and that non-disclosure agreements are banned at Strathclyde
  • Organising a hidden disabilities campaign in order to promote a positive culture in the university around the Sunflower Scheme

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