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Person holding up Strath Union "Vote" poster in front of their face.


Candidate for the position of Faculty Rep Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate

Image for Liam Mosson

Liam Mosson

HASS Deserves Better

HaSS Specific Manifesto

  1. Demand that HaSS students are provided with a HaSS specific computer lab (study area) on campus.
  2. Campaign for the university to drastically increase funding for the HaSS department to ensure HaSS does not remain left behind the other faculties at Strathclyde.
  3. Ensure that HaSS will continue to provide recordings of lectures post COVID-19 to improve the flexibility of student’s study schedules.
  4. Argue that HaSS facilities need drastic and urgent renovation and improvements. It is not fair that HaSS students aren’t provided with rapidly degrading facilities.
  5. Increase communication channels between union and class reps, and make the case for class reps sitting on union formed committees to increase communication between the university and students union.
  6. Host regular (once monthly minimum) drop-in sessions for students to explain their thoughts and concerns they would like raised at a union level.
  7. Host regular meetings with humanities based societies to improve union co-ordination with societies.


General Manifesto Points

  1. Campaign for re-entry to the Erasmus scheme for Scottish based students
  2. Campaign for environmentally friendly policy changes on a university and union level.
  3. Campaign for reduced tuition fees for fee paying students.
  4. Campaign for improved facilities within halls
  5. Campaign for reduced rent and improved contracts for halls students (including private).
  6. Urge the university to release fund from university reserves (>£300m as of 18/19) to LEVEL-UP the university and ensure faculties are sufficiently funded.

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