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Vice President Inclusion Job Role

Check all the important information about the role of VP Inclusion.

Vice President Inclusion

Vice President Inclusion champions equality, diversity and inclusion. They work with liberation groups, faith and culture societies, and marginalised students to ensure that their views are represented by lobbying the University and external agencies, developing campaigns and mobilising the wider student body to effect change.

Salary: £26,642

Term: June 2025 to June 2026 (start date TBC)

Time Commitment: 35 hours per week (Full Time)

Useful Skills: Advocating, Enthusiastic, Communication Skills, Organisation Skills, Team-player, Public Speaking, Negotiation Skills.

Newly elected Full Time Officers are required to be available for handover and induction in June.

This role will:

  1. Chair Equality Diversity Committee and be the main representative on the equality, and inclusion within the University and local community.
  2. Campaign on equality & diversity issues.
  3. Liaise with faith groups.
  4. Ensure the Union caters for liberation groups.
  5. Educate students on ethical and diversity agendas.
  6. Ensure students have the skills and knowledge to campaign.
  7. Facilitate input to University strategic initiatives and ensure student voice is heard in in corporate governance meetings.

Board of Trustees

This position is also a member of the Board of Trustees, which holds overall financial, legal and strategic responsibilities for the Association. For more info on being a Trustee, read OSCR’s (the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator) guide.

Key Relationships

  • Strath Union: Full-Time Exec Officers, Non-Exec Officers, Staff including Senior Management, Advice Hub, Central Services, Commercial, Communications and Marketing, Sports Union and Student Engagement teams
  • University: The Principal, the Vice-Principal, the Associate Principal & Executive Dean of each Faculty, the Associate Principals, the Chief Commercial Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the University Secretary, the Director of Strategy and Policy, and the Director of HR.
  • External Organisations: National Union of Students’ (NUS), Public Officials, Full Time Officers at other institutions.

Key Meetings

These are not an exhaustive lists.

Role Specific Training

  • Extensive training and support will be provided to ensure that you are fully equipped for the role.
  • Full Time Officers are required to attend the handover and induction period which takes place in June.
  • Newly elected Full-Time Officers should check with Student Union staff before making any summer holiday plans as a lot of training is scheduled over the summer period.
  • Additional training and ongoing support are provided throughout the academic year.
As an Executive officer I made a difference to so many people’s lives which led me to become the first Refugee elected Councillor in Scotland.

Roza Salih, VP Diversity & Advocacy 2013/15

As a Scottish-Sikh, I felt that I could add my perspective into the activities of the Union and make it even better for all students.

Charandeep Singh, VP Equality & Diversity 2010/11 and Union President 2011/12

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