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Postgraduate Research Faculty Rep Role

Postgraduate Research Faculty Rep

Strath Union is working with the Doctoral Researchers Group and the University of Strathclyde to ensure that PGR representation is working as best as it can for students. 

Term: November to October

Honorarium: £1,000 (paid in two installments in March and October)

Time Commitment: approx. 5 hours per week during semester

Postgraduate Research Faculty Reps represent students’ views and interests at faculty-wide meetings and committees. They are embedded within the structures of both the Doctoral Researchers’ Group (DRG) and Strath Union, engaging with the DRG Senior Committee and Strath Union Officers. They support and facilitate communication with Departmental PGR Reps within the faculty and act as a link between departmental reps and University staff.

Each faculty has a Postgraduate Research Rep position and two members may stand for election on a role share basis.

This role will:

  1. Represent on all academic issues relating to postgraduate research students in the faculty.
  2. Support and facilitate communication with Departmental PGR Reps within the faculty.
  3. Attend Faculty Research Committee meetings.
    1. Before each Faculty Research Committee meeting: arrange and chair / facilitate a meeting between the Departmental PGR Reps. Invite the Departmental PGR Reps to share positive comments, concerns, and any other points to be raised. 
    2. At the meeting: attend, participate, and present the points raised by the Departmental PGR Reps. 
    3. After the meeting: prepare a written record of the key points / outcomes from the FRC discussion. Share this record with the Departmental PGR Reps by email.
  4. Attend Doctoral Research Group (DRG) Senior Committee meetings.
  5. Attend Student Parliament and Education Committee.
  6. Liaise with departmental representatives within the faculty.
  7. Work with DRG Senior Committee and Strath Union Officers to escalate issues experienced by PGR students which are not resolved at Faculty level.

An honorarium will be awarded when the Rep has attended the following meetings or provided appropriate reasons for non-attendance:

  1. Faculty Research Committee
  2. DRG monthly meeting
  3. Strath Union Student Parliament

Key relationships

  • Doctoral Researchers’ Group Senior Committee, Departmental PGR Reps, PGR students within Faculty
  • Strath Union: Full-Time Exec Officers, Non-Exec Officers, Staff including Senior Management, Advice Hub, Central Services, Commercial, Communications and Marketing, Sports Union and Student Engagement teams
  • University: The Associate Principal & Executive Dean of Faculty, Faculty Research Committee

Key Meetings

  • Doctoral Research Group Senior Committee
  • Strath Union Student Parliament
  • University Senate (if applicable)
  • Student Experience Committee
  • Faculty Research Committee


This is not an exhaustive list

Role Specific Training

  • Extensive training and support will be provided by Strath Union to ensure that you are fully equipped for the role.
  • Additional training and ongoing support are provided throughout the academic year including training workshops, conferences, events, and project funds.

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